4 min read

Brick by brick

Brick by brick
La Casa Simple: Nova, the house and the Picos de Europa in the background!

Time for more summer inspiration! This summer we went on tour and encountered many cool people who are living a life from which Sebas and I could gain some new perspectives. Lukas and Kiki are two of them!

I know Kiki from the challenge club and have been following her adventures on her blog and instagram for a while now. They have been looking for a house in Spain for quite some time (lesson #1 patience is key) and found their new casa a couple of months ago! Where they live together with their dog Nova. Coincidentally this house was also in North Spain, so it was time for a visit! 

"Can we come by and admire your dream project I asked", "of course", she replied. Just before we left she messaged: “a disclaimer up front: we don’t have a toilet (we do have a big field and a shovel), we do have water and a hanging shower, no electra, but a little kitchen on gas." That sounds like an adventure. 

The first night we enjoyed a candle light dinner, brushed our teeth while looking at the starry night and cocooned in our sleeping bags with a mountain breeze coming through the windows. We started the morning on their patio with a freshly brewed coffee gazing at the mountains in the background. There are few places where I have experienced such serenity. 

How stories unfold

And often when stories like these pop up, people think “I want this too”. But this project is not for the fainthearted. Nobody lived in the house for at least 20 years. I mean when we arrived they just had running water. What I found very cool is that a lot of the work that needs to be done, they can do themselves. They have been doing construction work abroad for the past years, learning the skills they now need and getting to know the area and the language. It’s all these little things that add up and create a more tangible outcome such as buying a house, so never underestimate little steps. At the beginning the construction work was in exchange for a place to stay and food, which shows that there are so many ways to exchange and to learn. 

One of the first things they were building was the patio. Build rock by rock. Which I found symbolic for a bigger part of the project; building bit by bit. This in combination with their bigger vision of what the house should look like but even bigger, how the house eventually can serve a greater good. Being a place where people can unwind and recharge. I loved to see the combination in practice: dream big and at the same time focus on the little steps. 

What does one truly need?

Working partly online, partly on the house and partly on other jobs in the region, there is different way of looking at life at what one needs. What does one truly need? How do you look at your monthly income and what does it bring to you? And it’s not just money, it’s also in thing and experiences. When you go back to basic and you realise you don’t even NEED a toilet (tho it’s a nice to have ;) ) you automatically become more resilient. I was brushing my teeth and thinking, wow this is one of the most beautiful places where I have brushed my teeth, instead of thinking I don’t have a bathroom where I can brush my teeth. 

Resilience and gratitude are themes that have been popping up for the past years. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t advocate that everyone should live without a toilet and electricity. But this experience together made me realise; you actually take a) so many things for granted, which results in a decrease of gratitude for the situation you're in. Oh boy, did I enjoy the shower of our next destination, I wish I was always this happy after taking a shower. The paradox: I could be, but it means that you are constantly aware of the situation your in. While writing this I’m wondering whether this would be doable or too tiring, but I will experiment with it for the upcoming weeks, every time I have a shower! 

Go downstream

Talking about resilience, projects like these never go as planned, ever. I promise. How do you deal with that? How do you deal with mold, people that don’t seem to understand you, promises that are not being kept, expectations that turn out differently. As I look at Kiki and Lukas, I would say; you just go though it. Accept that it’s part of the deal. Generally speaking I would say it's about moving through resistance. Not blocking, grudging or holding onto it. Can you move through pain, sadness and anger to see what lessons they will bring you? Because I believe this is what makes one resilient. Not running away, but running towards it. Whatever it may be. Easy? No, definitely not. If you are going through ‘it’ right now, sending love your way.

Thanks Kiki and Lukas for the fun time together and the inspiration you brought us! Can’t wait to see how your dream unfolds and how many more people you can inspire. Read more about their project on the website or follow La Casa Simple or Kiki on insta.