The yoga after bliss

I’m back! After three weeks of intense training solely focused on one thing: yoga. The challenge arises: how to capture what has been learned and experienced.
Our daily routine consisted of meditation, yoga practice (the thing you think about when talking about yoga), classes on anatomy, philosophy, teaching methods, and the alignment of poses. That's the practical side, the top coat.
But what lies beneath was transformative, sometimes not entirely rational. I felt, I lived, I did, I experienced. I pondered, reflected upon what yoga and life mean to me. The timing was divine, at the end of my journey; it’s the icing on the cake, the perfect ending of a beautiful adventure.
Reflecting on it, what is yoga to me? It's a way of life where we're aware of our thoughts, behaviors, and the world around us. Being kind to ourselves, to others, and the planet. It boils down to... purity, yes, purity.
There's even an overlap with cycling: through movement one creates silence (although combining the two is not the best idea for your hamstring flexibility 🤭). By igniting your inner fire, you make space for inner stillness. The key pose in yoga is Shavasana, where you lie on your mat, release your breath, let go of thoughts, and just be. It's in this pose that I feel a strange sensation, a homecoming to myself. Overwhelming. Soon, tears flow, and my body trembles. I let it be. Sad, relieved, and yet happy. Perhaps, this is the feeling of completeness.
So, what practical lessons do I take away from this experience?
Things I want to implement in my everyday life. In this lies the real challenge how to embody yoga when you’re not isolated, focussing on one thing, where meals are being cooked and a like minded group is surrounding you. Here we go, level up again:
- More silence in my day, continuing meditation, allowing space for stillness, combined with movement. I love engaging with my body, becoming more aware of the movement and the muscles, stretching them with love, or making them stronger.
- I'm more conscious that what you give is what you get. Spreading love, helping others without expecting anything in return, while never forgetting oneself.
- Another crucial lesson is about outside pressure. I observed how we react when faced with tests, we had to pass three exams at the end of the course to become a certified teacher. In general you could say that I'm a nerd, an overachiever. Always have been. Yet I tried letting go, enjoying the days, and it worked well. I passed all the exams and know where to improve. I believed in myself; that was the key. Believing that I could, I remained relaxed. If I believe I can, I can be at ease, I can give from what I know today, knowing that tomorrow could be different and seeing this as a part of growing and learning. Whatever sticks, sticks. One of the beautiful lessons from our teachers.
- The importance of surroundings; people around you shape your experience. I laughed until I cried with my study group while practicing adjustments, was deeply touched by music played and singing together in Kirtans, had pyjama parties and felt a connected with a group going through a transformation. It changed my perspective on living in a community, understanding the benefits.
- This brings me to the last point: expressing gratitude. A powerful way to connect, experience joy, and pass it on. I'm immensely grateful for this experience, the teachers, beautiful moments, and the group I shared it with.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.
P.s If you are interested in yoga or want some inspiration, I can highly recommend my teachers that shaped the experience in such an unique and loving way (see links below). And if you would be interested in classes from me 🙋♀️, let me know!

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